Frequently Asked Questions​


There can be many different questions when looking at rehab options. Here are some of the more common questions we are asked.

As people begin the process of returning to daily routines, they learn the importance of accountability and responsibility and gradually regain more control of their lives. At WHP, we work with you to ensure you build capacity in each element of your life in a safe and considered way. This is the ethos of therapy within our community. 

Do I need a referral for WHP?

No, we accept self-referrals in addition to referrals from all allied health professionals.

How much does our program cost?

Click here for program costs.

Can I use electronic devices such as my mobile phone and laptop?

You will be able to access electronic devices throughout your stay during allocated periods depending on your length of stay. You will be able to call designated family members and friends at allocated program times each day.

Can I work whilst I’m treated in WHP?

We help you build capacity in order to safely return to work, whether that be in a casual, part-time or full time capacity. We work with your employer or you work’s EAP program if you want us to engage with them due to mental health grounds.

Do you have a Family program?

Paul and Richard work closely with family members and loved ones at every stage of the WHP Program

Does WHP accept clients on bail?

We have many years of experience in helping you get bailed to our facility. We can attend your court hearings, liaise with your lawyers and work closely with other case managers.

Do you have an Aftercare program?

Yes we do, and his free and perpetual support allows clients a safe clinical space to continue with their connection to and journey with WHP and their recovery.

Am I able to attend previously organised external appointments during my stay?

You will be able to attend all medical appointments and other appointment where appropriate.

Who is our Treatment for?

Drug and alcohol treatment providers offer various types and stages of care. Frequently, individuals struggling with addiction benefit from a continuum of care with graduated stages of structure and support. Some, however, do well with only primary care consisting of inpatient treatment provided by hospitals in the private or public sector, while others, who need more support and a longer recovery period, advance from primary care to secondary and tertiary treatment. The level of care primary or secondary depends on individual needs, finances and other factors. Evidence clearly demonstrates that people who commit and engage in both primary and secondary treatment can learn how to live sober and clean.